Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Study logistic/supply chain management

Since I have worked with 3PL (third party logistic) company for 5months already, I would like to tell other people who is thinking about working with this type of company.

3PL Company like DHL operates warehouses, transportation for companies. It's just one chain in the whole supply chain.

I got master degree in logistics and I realized that what I learnt was not really related to 3PL works. The work nature for 3PL company like DHL, Ceva, Linfox, Toll etc. is not what universities teach you. I'm telling you from my experiences with two 3PL companies already.

What you learnt from master degree in university is good to use with production company, not with 3PL as you can use/develop/adapt/change the supply chain of production with suppliers, transporter, customers etc.

My goal for this post is if you decided to study logistics or supply chain in university (I got master degree so I don't know what they teach in bachelor) Don't apply for a job with 3PL company. Well 'do not' is not really good word....let's say choose production company that has big chain like Unilever, P&G, Hypermarket stores like Tesco Lotus, Woolworths ...in this case you will use what you learnt in university really well.

If you apply for job with 3PL company, it will be like you have to learn most things at work. What you studied in university will be used just as small concept to see the whole processes but it can't help that much. They don't teach you how many types of racking they have for warehouse, What is MHE?, Safety issue in warehouse and many many things that university won't concern about but they are really important for working in 3PL company.

It's really hard work. It's not easy. It's hard not only mentally but also physically. Think carefully before taking any position :) especially with DHL Supply Chain (Thailand) hahahaha

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Homemade Japanese curry

Do you like Japanese curry? I do :)

It's so hard for me to find tasty Japanese curry. I tried one in Japan and the taste was not good for Thais hehe. I love tasty food but REAL Japanese food in my opinion are kinda soft taste haha. Hope you will understand what I mean.

Anyway I bought this instant Japanese curry paste, hot one but it still taste nothing for me.

It is so easy to cook. You can find recipe and how to cook online in many websites and adapt to your taste. I also added some chocolate and yogurt according to the suggestion from some blogs. And they worked really well!!! they made the curry more creamy and tasty:)

It took time about 1-2 hours till the curry are ok and carrots are soft.

Oh and I add some chilli powder in it too ;)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bake A Wish

I just want to tell you guys about the cake shop called 'Bake A Wish'.

This is the website http://bakeawish-japanesecake.com/

and facebook page http://www.facebook.com/bakeawish.japanesehomemadecake

I had some cakes frm this shop and I really like them. My most favorite is chocolate pudding which is so good and cheap, only 65 baht.

Actually they are pretty famous for chou creme but I prefer cakes more.

At some branch like Future Park Rangsit (basement floor), you can taste so many cakes before you make decision which I think it's really good way for marketing.

Try some...and you will fine one that you like :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

3 months in DHL

I have worked at DHL as management trainee for 3 months already.

My feeling about this company has changed as well as my goal in this career path.

At first I found job in operation part was fun and challenging to work in warehouses. But right now I want to work in head office, in front of computer haha. I know it sounds boring but after seeing both sides, I realized that it's better for me to work in office.

I still have 3 more months to go with this position. One trainee (4 of us) got the position at head office already. I was kinda disappointed coz I thought I would get this position as I have work exp. and capabilities related to this position before. I have no idea how they recruit people at this company!!!! Maybe I should request to learn work process of HR hahaha.

I want to stop this training program and know my position NOW!! I'm kinda sick of going to different warehouses and do nothing much. It's boring!! I want to work in real job and know my position and where I'm gonna work so I can plan many things that are coming in my life soon.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

1 month & 1 week with DHL

I didn't have much time to use internet last month as I came back home late and didn't have computer at work. Anyway it's been 1 month already in this company.

My feeling has changed towards the company lil bit. I'm not sure how long I will be with them (hopefully long enough for better future).

After finished sites visit, we have to do OJT (on the job training) in each DC about 2wk - 1month. Last week was 1st week of OJT. We had to make video training to teach new staff for one specific process. It was fun to learn and talk with them. We also worked with them so as to know the real processes and found solutions to improve. I realized immediately that if I had kid, I would tell my kid to study a lot coz these people who have less education than me have to work so hard and got paid so bad! It's really tough job. I respect them.

Anyway there are still many things to learn in next 5 months like teamwork, communication skill, analyze skill etc. It should be fun!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

First 2 weeks as management trainee

I've worked here as management trainee almost 2 weeks.

1st week, I was stationed at head office and learnt some IT things, QA processes and some overall picture of the company. It was easy!

2nd week was a week for sites visiting. I have been to 7 warehouses/DCs around Thailand. It was exciting and kinda fun at the beginning as I saw real works and how they operated. But after 4th place, I was kinda lost my excitement haha. They are pretty much the same with processes and systems. But they are different in some details that depends on products and what customers need from us.

5months and 2more weeks are coming with harder jobs and more assignments. I haven't made decision or gotten any idea YET about what I would like to do most :(

I wish I will get conclusion after finishing this program.

What I know is...if I want to continue in this field of business, it won't be easy at all!!! The job nature is hard and tough. You work with people, in (mostly) HOT condition. Your life will not be like your friends or others that have same level of education/salary and work easily in air-con room with nice office.

Oh well...we will see!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Management Trainee in Logistics Company

After 'No' from sportwear company. I still looked for job. Right now I'm working in logistics company as business development analyst. I have worked here for 6 months already and will stop working at the end of this month. I didn't learn much from this company and had no jobs to do, sometimes I did NOTHING but surfing Internet for a month!!! That was killing me for doing nothing at work. So I decided to look for new job.

I sent resume for 'Management Trainee' position with 'Yellow&Red' logistics company :) and I got phone call to go have interview.

There were 5 people in the room from different departments. They are Thais. I wasn't nervous or excited at this time as I didn't expect and had some experience for the interview like this already.

We started talking in Thai about myself and current works littel bit then we changed to speak English. Talking this and that in easy ways. They didn't have list of questions like 'sportwear company'. The interview took 30mins. I felt that I did quiet well.

In the evening of that day, they called me that I passed and asked me to do personality test online and will inform the result within 2 weeks even though I don't get this job. I was waiting and waiting.......

2 weeks passed and no calls..so I called to ask and got the answer that I didn't get this job because my interview score is less than others. They wanted 4 person for this position. I was in 1 of 9 person that they interested but not good enough to be 1 in 4.

One week later, they called me and asked if I still interested in this position as one person didn't show up to sign the contract. I said 'YES!!'

It was so easy process with only 1 time interview. I was surprised to know that this big company had process like this haha but it was good though. Maybe if they had more process, I migt not get this job haha.

I will start next month. I will keep posting if it's like what I expect :)

At last I wanna tell you all who is looking for new job that don't give up and keep looking for better place. One day is will be your day!!!!

Functional Trainee Program

Let's take a break from food and travel :)

I just got new job and I would like to share my job hunting experience for those who are in the same situation as I was. I searched online and didn't find much about this experience. So here I am to tell you guys.

I applied for jobs with sooo many companies. The position that I applied are different but the one that I really wanna work is "Management Trainee" position as I just graduated with Master Degree and don't have working experience that related to my degree. So this position is really suit with my knowledge and experiences. I would learn a lot from this position.

I got first phone call from very famous Sportwear Company (German company) in January 2011 for the position in Functional Trainee Program. It's really nice program. They will train you for 1-1.5 year with 3 months period training in other country.

The interview process took FOREVER!!!
- first call from staff in Thailand but we talked in Eng for like 10mins. I introduced myself and told him why I want to work in this position etc.
- 2 weeks later I got phone call that I would have phone interview with staff from Hong Kong.
- 2 weeks later I had phone interview with HK staff for about 45 mins. She asked me a lot about my work experiences, how did I solve problems, what is my goal, what would I do in different sitautions. To answer these questions, she asked me to give specific examples.
- 2 weeks later I knew the result that I passed..so I would have panel interview with them.
- next 2 weeks I went to office in Bangkok, Thailand for panel interview. I had to make presentation for the topic 'what functional trainee can give to ......' I cant remember exactly what topic is but it's sth like that. The presentation would take 15 mins.
- There were 3 Thais staff and 2 HK staff (through skype) in panel interview. I was so excited!!
They started with these lists of questions that kinda similar to what I had on phone interview.
The questions that I needed to give specific situations to answer, can't just say in general or what I would do if I was in that situation. This part take more than 30 mins.
Then it was presentation time for 15 mins. Then they gave me case study about the situation and what I would do with it. They gave time to answer for 15 mins.
- They said they would tell me the result in next 2 weeks but I didn't hear anything from them!!
So I contacted HR in Thailand office and he said he was waiting for HK. He would definitely let me know once HK told him.
1 week passed, no call from him.......I called to check....same answer.......I kept checking every week with HR in Thailand till it was 1 month since I had panel interview. I decided to send email to HK staff.
- I know the result in April that I didn't get this job!! They wanted only 1 trainee that they were looking from both Thailand and Vietnam. When I heard that I was laughing hahaha. I know my self that I'm not that good to be THE ONLY ONE from both countries.

I really had good chance to know how this big company worked and really good opportunity to have interview with them. I'm kinda upset that I didn't get the job but oh well......I did my best and life has to move on :)

Congratulations to that person that got this job. You are the man!!! :D

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sofia Restaurant, Melbourne

I just realized that there is another good Italian restaurant that I really recommend you guys. Sofia Restaurant is in Melbourne, Australia. There are many branches but the one that is closest to city is located at 857 Burke Rd., Camberwell. If you come from CBD, you can take a train to Camberwell station and walk like 5mins to the restaurant.

1. Entree (sorry that I cant remember the name);

mixed fried seafood..that can feed like 5 people as main dish!!

The restaurant is pretty big and croweded especially at dinner time. The waiters are nice and friendly. And the food are HUGE and CHEAP!!!!! It's really good place to go with friends or family.

2. Sofia Specail Pasta (or sth like that :p)
Seafood was more than pasta hahaha

I always ordered Spaghetti Carbonara in SMALL portion. Even I ordered small and shared with friends, I always had some left for couple next meals..seriously!!!

3. It was really good

Also Salad that was served like they brought you the whole garden to you. It's HUGE!!!!!!

3. Chicken or Ceasar Salad (I'm not sure again :p)

I don't recommend pizza there. I've tried some and they are not good.

Dessert is another funny thing. Gelato (Italian ice-cream) there was served up to waiter haha. They will put all flavors in one small bowl and make it high (as you can see from pic).

Cakes looked so good and the taste was not bad.

Sofia is a MUST go restaurant in Melbourne. Although the taste is not that good but the price and quality is the BEST!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vanilla Brasserie, Siam Paragon Bangkok

" What is your favourite food? " Mine is defenitely Thai food! but that doesn't means I don't like Western food. I just love eating!!!! hahaha

I'm not a big fan of Italian food but I love cheese! Not all Italian food are good for me as some are too cheesy to finish. Anyway today I'm going to talk about really good Italian restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand.

Vanilla Brasserie is located on the ground floor in Siam Paragon (big department store in the center of BKK). I went there last night with my friends and still impress of the food there and would like to talk about it in my blog ^^

They are famous for pasta dishes. We ordered like 5-6 pasta dishes but my favourite one was Angle Hair Corned Beef with Chilli (250 Bath). It was my first time with corned beef. I still have no idea what it is exactly haha. For me it looked like Thai dry pork and also tasted similar so it was all good for me to finish the dish ^^. You might think it must be spicy because of chilli but it was not spicy at all. It was good :)

Next one is my most favourite dish from last night which was Spinach and Mozzarella Crepe (240 Bath). I really like spinach and cheese so this is the best combination for me haha. And they didn't disappointed us. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!! creamy & cheesy...awww just think about it now make me hungry

I will defenitely go back there again and try other dishes.

Ps. Sorry for the pics. I didnt take any pics myself so they are from Internet :p

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The closest island to Bangkok; Koh Larn

Hi all! It's been a while...

Last weekend was public holiday in Thailand so I had a chance to get out of BKK just for 1day trip.

Since I came back home, almost 6 months....I didn't have chance to go to the sea in Thailand and that was a BIG shame!! So I decided to go to just small island that close to BKK (about 1.5hr driving) called Koh Larn.

Koh Larn is located in Pattaya city. It's been famous among Thai people since few years ago as you can see from the rising numbers of accomodation on the island. In the past people always went to Pattaya for the beach but now Koh Larn is the new destination :)

Going there is easy...just find the way to Pattaya and go to Bali-hi pier (sorry for the spelling coz I don't know how to spell in Eng but it sounds like that ^^ ) Then buy ferry ticket for 30Baht to Ta Wean beach.

Actually there are 2 beaches for ferry, the first one is Nah Baan which is like the center of island where there are 7-11, small restaurants and taxis to go to other beaches. But if you want to go straight to the beach..take the ferry that goes to Ta Wean beach.

No worries if you took wrong ferry (cause I did the same hehe) you can take taxi for 20 baht at Nah Baan to Ta Wean beach.

Eating on the island is quiet more expensive than in Pattaya. I suggest that you should bring some water or snack in the case that you might get hugry there.

There are some activities on the island like banana boat and jet ski. Apart from these activities....enjoying clean & clear water is my favoruite activity to do there!!

If you have just short time in Thailand or Bangkok and want to get away from city just 1-2 days...Koh larn is really good choice.

ps. you can find more information from the link here --> http://www.kohlarn.com/

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cheap hostel in Hong Kong

Today I will talk about the hostel in Hong Kong.

There are no backpacker like in western countries in HK.

There are only hostel (which does not look like hostel) in HK that is cheap but TINY!!

If you are westerner (who are usually bigger than Asian), you should go to see the room before make any decision.

For me, it was ok. The room is tiny but I used it just for sleep and took shower.

The toilet and shower is together. It's normal for Asia but this hostel that I stayed. The toilet is sooooooooooo small. They have free liquid soap for every room. You can also ask for free towel as well.

Hong Kong is a small island that every Sq.m. in city are worth like gold. Even you stay in nice hotel, you won't get big room like what you get in US, Australia or etc where the land is much bigger.

Ho Mongkok Hotel (They call hotel but it does not look like hotel at all!! haha) is located in Mongkok, the center of HK and close to everything you want!! It's really good location.

I stayed in this hostel because my HK friend booked for me. I know it's not helpful to you guys who don't have anyone in HK. But hey, they have website and I think you can call or contact them by email (website is at the end).

If you can't speak Cantonese chinese, I suggest you to email because their staff can speak only hello, thank you, good morning hahahaha.

Ho Mongkok Hotel is located in Sincere building where there are many hostel in it. If you don't like this one I suggest here. You can go up and down the building and check for other places.

My suggestion is don't expect much from the small amount of money that you pay :)


Somehow I can't copy picture from the website so I will suggest like this.

- The first pic with 2 beds..I think it's room number 2. It's bigger than other room and has window!! So if you are two person. You should request for room number 1 and 2. ;)

- Next 3 pics are double bed rooms...The bed is small, just right fit for 2 person. If you have big luggages, you might have problem as there is no space to walk in the room haha.

- The lady in the website is always be there for daytime. She doesn't understand much English but you can use body language with her. It's fun! hehe

Monday, January 10, 2011

Flight from Bangkok, Thailand to Hong Kong

Happy New Year everyone!!!!
Wish you have all the best and travel as much as you can ^_^
I went to Hong Kong and Macau for 5 days on new year holiday.
It wasn't my first time but I rarely remember things from the past lol as I went there like almost 10 years ago.
I bought ticket too late so I paid a lot for the trip esp. it was high season ticket!!
At first I tried low cost airline like airasia but the schedule and price were not that good for me.
Then I found the price that less than 10,000 baht from Thai agency website (http://www.hflight.net/).
It was Royal Jordanian airline. I had never heard of this airline before back then.
I searched for some reviews of this airline and people said it's ok so I bought it.
Also it was only 2.5hours flight. So I didn't care much about the plane.
The flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong doesn't operate every day (the one I took was leaving from BKK on Thursday's afternoon and left Hong Kong on Tuesday's night)
The plane was nice, clean and no smell.
The flight attendants were not that pretty and friendly lol
I heard they spoke Thai to each other while serving food and I think it's bad behavior.
Maybe they thought that I wasn't Thais and
noone around that area would understand the language.
That's the point they should change with the flight attendants.
The seat was big and everyone had own tv with variety of movies, games, songs etc.
Food was not bad. I had green chicken curry + rice (trip to HK) and
Fish noodle (Lad nah) on trip to BKK.
In conclude, RJ is not a bad choice to fly to HK if you can't find any cheaper airline ;)