Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Functional Trainee Program

Let's take a break from food and travel :)

I just got new job and I would like to share my job hunting experience for those who are in the same situation as I was. I searched online and didn't find much about this experience. So here I am to tell you guys.

I applied for jobs with sooo many companies. The position that I applied are different but the one that I really wanna work is "Management Trainee" position as I just graduated with Master Degree and don't have working experience that related to my degree. So this position is really suit with my knowledge and experiences. I would learn a lot from this position.

I got first phone call from very famous Sportwear Company (German company) in January 2011 for the position in Functional Trainee Program. It's really nice program. They will train you for 1-1.5 year with 3 months period training in other country.

The interview process took FOREVER!!!
- first call from staff in Thailand but we talked in Eng for like 10mins. I introduced myself and told him why I want to work in this position etc.
- 2 weeks later I got phone call that I would have phone interview with staff from Hong Kong.
- 2 weeks later I had phone interview with HK staff for about 45 mins. She asked me a lot about my work experiences, how did I solve problems, what is my goal, what would I do in different sitautions. To answer these questions, she asked me to give specific examples.
- 2 weeks later I knew the result that I I would have panel interview with them.
- next 2 weeks I went to office in Bangkok, Thailand for panel interview. I had to make presentation for the topic 'what functional trainee can give to ......' I cant remember exactly what topic is but it's sth like that. The presentation would take 15 mins.
- There were 3 Thais staff and 2 HK staff (through skype) in panel interview. I was so excited!!
They started with these lists of questions that kinda similar to what I had on phone interview.
The questions that I needed to give specific situations to answer, can't just say in general or what I would do if I was in that situation. This part take more than 30 mins.
Then it was presentation time for 15 mins. Then they gave me case study about the situation and what I would do with it. They gave time to answer for 15 mins.
- They said they would tell me the result in next 2 weeks but I didn't hear anything from them!!
So I contacted HR in Thailand office and he said he was waiting for HK. He would definitely let me know once HK told him.
1 week passed, no call from him.......I called to check....same answer.......I kept checking every week with HR in Thailand till it was 1 month since I had panel interview. I decided to send email to HK staff.
- I know the result in April that I didn't get this job!! They wanted only 1 trainee that they were looking from both Thailand and Vietnam. When I heard that I was laughing hahaha. I know my self that I'm not that good to be THE ONLY ONE from both countries.

I really had good chance to know how this big company worked and really good opportunity to have interview with them. I'm kinda upset that I didn't get the job but oh well......I did my best and life has to move on :)

Congratulations to that person that got this job. You are the man!!! :D

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