Thursday, May 12, 2011

First 2 weeks as management trainee

I've worked here as management trainee almost 2 weeks.

1st week, I was stationed at head office and learnt some IT things, QA processes and some overall picture of the company. It was easy!

2nd week was a week for sites visiting. I have been to 7 warehouses/DCs around Thailand. It was exciting and kinda fun at the beginning as I saw real works and how they operated. But after 4th place, I was kinda lost my excitement haha. They are pretty much the same with processes and systems. But they are different in some details that depends on products and what customers need from us.

5months and 2more weeks are coming with harder jobs and more assignments. I haven't made decision or gotten any idea YET about what I would like to do most :(

I wish I will get conclusion after finishing this program.

What I know is...if I want to continue in this field of business, it won't be easy at all!!! The job nature is hard and tough. You work with people, in (mostly) HOT condition. Your life will not be like your friends or others that have same level of education/salary and work easily in air-con room with nice office.

Oh well...we will see!